Oskar Herrfurth's Paintings

It looks Oskar Herrfurth was not particularly picky when media for the next project had to be chosen. He worked in oils, watercolors, gouache, mixed media, charcoal pencil, ... He was a skillful and crafty worker whose execution was timely, and somehow predictable. Perfect for steady stream of money but not best option for collectors who are looking at art as an investment. Herrfurth's work is not often seen in auctions and typical prices are around a few hundred dollars. It's even possible you'll have to pay for a reproduction more than for the original.

However we'll present his works as they pop up on web pages, together with basic info on each one and an interesting tidbit or two where possible. If you find anything which is not already included here, please send us a note with a link. Thank you in advance.

Landscape with stream and birch trees, 1890 (maybe a few years later), oil on canvas, 100 cm x 66 cmVilla Spindler in Tabarz (Germany), 1899, watercolor, 46 cm x 60 cm

This villa from 19th century, a summer residence of family Spindler, is still functional, located just out of the nature reserve Thuringian forest. You can rent a four-bed apartment in the 1st floor (around 90 square meters) for around 80 USD per day.

Pipe smoking gnome, 1907, mixed technique on paper, 53 cm x 39 cm

Gnome with a strawberry, 1909, gouache on paper, 51 cm x 33 cm

Neanderthals by the fire, 1909, oil on canvas, 31 cm x 51 cm

A mountain road, 1917, watercolor, 29 cm x 16 cm

Girl with a headscarf, 1920 (maybe a few years later), oil on canvas, 38 cm x 32 cm

This painting was sold on-line around 2019 for around 300 US dollars.

Oskar, mushroom picker, date unknown, lithography, 41 cm x 28 cm

We don't know if this portrait represents the painter at mushroom picking and we don't know when it was made, but we can add it was sold around 2018 (framed in glass) for just 70 US dollars.

Country kitchen, date unknown, oil on canvas, 24 cm x 37 cm

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